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Please complete the form shown below giving as many details as possible regarding your sighting

Name - Please also include your E-Mail Address (Address will not be published)
Your statement
What was the date of your sighting?
At what time did you see the object(s)?
What was your location when you first saw the object(s)? (include County)
Location when last seen? (if different to above)
What was the object(s) main colour?
Do you know of additional witnesses? if so are they known to you?
For how long was/were the object(s) visible?
How did it/they disappear from view?
Do you object to your name(s) being used in connection with this sighting report?
Do you object to being contacted further regarding this sighting? YES/NO
Final comments?
Contact telephone number if possible (Optional- Not for publication)

Thank you for completing this form - The information you have given will be passed onto UFO researchers who may wish to contact you for further information - if so, do you object to this? Please indicate above.